Coronation “Tea Party” – Sunday 7th of May 2023

Coronation Celebrations, 7th of May “Royal Afternoon Tea Party” and World Record Attempt

The coronation of HM King Charles took place on 6th May 2023, and to celebrate, we held a “Royal Tea Party” on Broomhill Common the following day, Sunday, 7th of May.

Tea and coffee were available along with cakes that were kindly donated by local residents.

There were fun outdoor games, with over 500 residents enjoying a sunny afternoon of tea, cakes, picnics, fun… and, oh yes… a World Record Attempt…

Thank you to all those who attended, and who donated to our Defibrillators for The Knoll appeal.

World Record attempt of “The largest human image of a crown”

Over 500 people joined in with the creation of a “crown”, dressed in purple, yellow or white clothing, or donning a poncho of one of those colours.

Following the creation of the image, which was photographed from the air using a drone, those who took part formed a line to be counted using a click counter. The number counted was 539 which we are hopeful will set our place in the record books.

The image of the crown was marked out on the ground an hour before the Tea Party started
The image of the crown marked out with tape on the ground before the Tea Party
Image of the "Human Crown" with Orpington in background
The “Human Crown” image with Orpington in the background
The Crown from the air
The Crown from the air

The Coronation Tea Party was the largest event that The Knoll Residents Association has put on since our Platinum Jubilee Beacon, and, as with our Memorial to HM Queen Elizabeth II, it has not taken long for the event to make national news…

The Independent
The Daily Mail
The Herald

Here is a video which captures some of the amazing community atmosphere of the day, and it will hopefully live on in the memories of those young and old who joined us.