Monthly Residents Meetings

We are running monthly pub quiz evenings on the SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH

If you would like to join in with the Quiz, to avoid disappointment, please book you place beforehand directly with The Cricketers pub on 01689 812648

If you would like to meet with the committee, please come along to the Cricketers on one of the “Quiz Wednesdays” after the Quiz which generally runs from 8pm until about 10pm.

Alternatively, if the Wednesday timing doesn’t work for you please contact the committee through our Contacts Page, and some of the Committee may may be able to meet you on an alternative evening.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held, as usual in November.

Whilst it is our intention to keep to these dates, on occasion this may not be possible due to other commitments or committee availability. We will update this page accordingly so if you wish to attend any of the events below, please check this page, or contact one of the committee members to get the latest update.


MonthDate of meeting
Every Month until further notice2nd Wednesday of every month – Cricketers Pub.
Join in the quiz 7.30 for 8pm start
and / or come meet the committee after the quiz (10pm)
Annual General Meeting – date TBA
If a meeting has to be cancelled, we will endeavour to provide as much notice as possible but we may have to give very late notice, so please check back here before attending