Knoll Residents Association Committee

The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting of the association which takes place in November of each year. Any resident who is a member of the association may stand for election as a committee member. The elected committee then elect, from their number, the chairman for the year.

In addition to the official posts of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, other members of the committee assist with the running of the association and voting on any issues arising for which decisions are required. Additionally, other residents may from time to time assist the committee with specific activities, such as helping to organise events, or provide other assistance or expertise as necessary for the running of the association.


The current committee, elected in November 2023, are:

see also… Issues and Opportunities Log

ChairmanStephen Sangster
TreasurerCarol Pitman
SecretaryBrian Bates
Vice Chairman and
Newsletter Distribution
Nick Baker
Commercial Manager,
Advertising Sales
Malcolm Stoodley
Christine Newton
Anjala Balendran
