To further raise funds for our Defibrillator Appeal, we are now running a Quiz Night on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at The Cricketers pub, and additionally for April and May we held a further Quiz Night on the fourth Wednesday.
From June onwards we are returning to one quiz per month.
Arrive at around 7.30pm for an 8pm start. The quiz lasts around 2 hours including a refreshment interval.
We ran our first evenings in February and March and they were a great success.
Teams of 4, or just come by yourself or bring a friend and we will add you to a team.
Entry is £2.50 per person, and it is a great way to have a bit of fun and meet some new friends.
This is very popular, so to book your place in advance and avoid disappointment, please contact The Cricketers pub on 01689 812648 and tell them you’d like to book places for the Knoll Residents Association Quiz Night
For the latest Pub Quiz dates, see our Monthly Meetings page
We hope to see you there!
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